
Year Experience

About Us

Afghanistan Allergy Center

We thank the Creator for creating us as humans among His creatures. The Afghanistan Allergy Diagnostic Center is the first center for allergy diagnosis and treatment in Afghanistan. It was established by Sadat Musadiq, and it received license number 52 from the Ministry of Public Health on 30/04/1398. Sadat Mosaddeq graduated from Kabul University with a degree in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law in 1395. He is the founder of the Afghanistan Allergy Diagnostic Center and the commercial and pharmaceutical company Behroz Bezad Afghanistan, operating under the name Nasrat Sadat Msaddeq Pharmacy. Non-availability of such facilities and growing requirement of the people was the main reason, Sadat Mosaddeq establish this Afghan Allergy and Diagnostic Center. He has been managing clinics and laboratories before, which led to the creation of this initiative. Currently, a significant number of patients from various regions of Afghanistan visit this center daily and receive treatment with satisfaction. Previously, there were no provisions for allergy centers in the regulations of the Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan. Sadat Mosaddeq acquired the approval from the Health Regulatory Authority to create a new procedure where doctors, vaccinators, nurses, and pharmacists could work in a well-equipped facility using their collective intellectual efforts. In addition to being a vaccination center, the Afghanistan Allergy Sensitivity Center has a well-equipped medical laboratory and a pharmacy. This helps people from wandering around for complete treatment.

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Founder words

Our foremost priority is the health and well-being of every individual in Afghanistan. We are committed to providing top-quality allergy diagnosis, treatment, and prevention to ensure a healthier, allergy-resistant society at our allergy diagnostic center, we stand at the forefront of medical advancements in allergy care, offering state-of-the-art solutions and personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of our patients. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals works tirelessly to provide the best care possible. We understand the challenges allergies pose and are here to support you every step of the way. We're more than a healthcare center; we're a partner in your journey to better health. Our commitment is to improve the quality of life for every patient who walks through our doors. "By fostering awareness about allergies and promoting preventive measures, we seek to empower individuals and communities to live their lives to the fullest, free from the limitations of allergies. We are dedicated to exceeding the expectations of our patients and contributing to a healthier Afghanistan. Together, we can overcome allergies and build a more resilient nation. Our Goal is to make allergies a thing of the past in Afghanistan. We aim to lead the way in research, advocacy, and patient care to create a healthier, happier future for our nation." I am immensely proud of our team's dedication and the impact we're making. We invite you to join us on this journey towards an allergy-free Afghanistan." .